Creating a Conflict Resolution Plan

graphic for creating a conflict resolution plan


  • Understand the sequential steps involved in resolving conflict effectively.
  • Learn the importance of documentation in the conflict resolution process.


A conflict resolution plan serves as a structured approach to address and resolve conflicts in a systematic manner. It ensures that all parties involved are on the same page and that the resolution process is transparent and fair. This lesson will guide you through the steps to create a robust conflict resolution plan and the importance of documentation throughout the process.

Steps to Resolve Conflict

  • Identify the Issue: Clearly define what the conflict is about. This is often done through initial discussions or a formal meeting with the parties involved.
  • Involve the Right People: Make sure all stakeholders are involved in the resolution process. This may include team members, managers, or even external mediators.
  • Set Ground Rules: As discussed in Lesson 5.2, setting ground rules for discussions can help create a conducive environment for resolution.
  • Gather Information: Collect all relevant data, facts, and perspectives from all parties. This could include emails, project timelines, or performance metrics.
  • Analyze the Conflict: Use the information gathered to understand the root cause of the conflict. Is it a task conflict, relationship conflict, or something else?
  • Develop Solutions: Brainstorm potential solutions. Encourage all parties to contribute and consider the pros and cons of each option.
  • Select the Best Solution: Use a democratic approach or a consensus model to select the most viable solution.
  • Implement the Solution: Once agreed upon, the solution should be implemented promptly.
  • Follow-Up: After a set period, review the effectiveness of the solution and make adjustments as necessary.


Why Document?: Documentation serves as a formal record of the conflict and the steps taken to resolve it. It can be invaluable for future reference and for establishing accountability.

  • What to Document:
    • Summary of the conflict
    • People involved
    • Meetings conducted
    • Solutions proposed and selected
    • Implementation steps and timelines

How to Document: Use a standardized conflict resolution template to ensure consistency. Store the documents in a secure location that is accessible to authorized personnel.

Legal Implications: Proper documentation can protect the organization and the individuals involved in case the conflict escalates to legal proceedings.


Creating a conflict resolution plan is a structured way to tackle conflicts head-on. It involves a series of well-thought-out steps and requires meticulous documentation for accountability and future reference.